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What Happened Next
My son and his girlfriend, (Dainen's mother) began to go about their lives , getting jobs, and doing the usual stuff but it was not to last long. When Dainen was around two they split up and she moved in with her new BF up north. We, at the request of out son to help her, moved all her furniture and belongings for her to her new BF's parents farm not far from Valleyview, AB. Even then we had free access to Dainen, having him for a two month stretch at one time.
She didn't get the nursing work she expected there so moved back to Calgary, AB. All we had to do was phone her and ask to pick Dainen up and she would say OK. She would ask for how long and we would arrange to call her to let her know when he would come home. Sometimes it was a couple of days and sometimes a couple of weeks. She would tell us many times that she could never understand how someone could play games with their children like the son's former wife had. She said she could never do that. Things went along this way for a long time. We had every birthday party for Dainen, he never had one at home and to my knowledge still has not. One time when he was learning to walk he fell down. When I picked him up to kiss his "boo boo" she told me not to do that or he wouldn't grow up to be a man and would be in jail by the time he was seven years old.
Every time we had to take him home he would cry and ask why he had to go home. People would ask us why he didn't want to go home and we couldn't answer them.
Sometimes when he would be on the phone with us he would cry out. When he was asked what was wrong he would tell us that his ears were being pulled or his hair was being pulled. He told us about being thrown up against the wall and being thrown on his bed so hard it hurt and we were helpless to do anything. In July of 99 someone reported her to Child Welfare and they made a visit to her place. It seems in spite of the fact that she admitted to him being strapped with a belt it was OK. They did nothing and we took the blame. She cut off access to us directly then.

to the cruelty.