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I wrote this letter to the Calgary Sun a while back, hoping that I could get them to care enough to look into Dainen's story and children like him.

April, 2002   Still no answer from the Calgary Sun. It has been four months now.
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Letter to Paper
I talked to Shirley Gordon a few months ago, just after you had left for your sabbatical and she suggested I contact you.
I was so sorry to hear that Shirlee had passed away yesterday as she was there for me when our dog Leah was in a wheelchair and we needed help. I feel like I have lost a dear friend.
 I waited because I thought that Justice would prevail. That was stupid of me because it has not and a child is still in danger. No one seems to give a damn about the children that are used, abused and manipulated by their parents and stepparents, sold out by the very courts that are supposed to protect them because they don't have the courage of their convictions, and abandoned by the very lawyers that are fighting for them.
I have a ten-year-old grandson named Dainen. He is the child of our youngest son and a person he met in a bar. I don't know how to make this story short and yet make sure you have the whole story. I guess what I will do is try and keep it brief and hope you are interested enough to contact us and get the rest of the story. We have been fighting for access for two years now. We were supposed to be going to appeal court and now our lawyer has disappeared as well. We haven't seen our lawyer since the last trial on Feb.9/01. Repeated phone calls, messages, and office visit where she did not show up, the last office visit being on Mon. of this week. A court decision that we won, but didn't win, a social service report that was never filed, the man no longer works for them, and this comedy of errors continues while a beautiful young boy is being abused both physically and emotionally.
We have no idea where to even go for help anymore. I have contacted the law society but have been playing telephone tag with them for the last three days. I have a feeling something has happened to our lawyer and it is being covered to protect. She is a great lawyer and that is why this part of it is so puzzling. Her name is Sue Hendricks. This is not like her.
I am going to enclose an url for a web page I put up for Dainen. If you want to read the judges decision go to the index and click on the decision.
I can show you a copy of the Soc. Ser. report that was never filed, copies of my e-mails to Sue hoping we would get an answer that way, notes I made way back when Soc. Ser. was supposed to have filed a report.
Please Licia, In the interest of one little boy who is being victimized, please take an interest in him.
PS I have enclosed a picture of Dainen
Thank you so much for your time,
Phyllis and Marcel Proulx
Box 1133,
Didsbury, AB
ph. 403-335-9211
fax 403-335-9961

PS...The Calgary Sun did not even bother to respond to this letter.

I will add here that due to unforeseen circumstances  and a long story our lawyer is now back on track.